Chi-Town Goodfellas, Inc. - Antwain Jones "For The Culture" Scholarship

Organization & Scholarship Overview:
The Chi-Town GoodFellas are all products of Chicago Public Schools and we would like to assist at least one graduating senior from our five Alma Maters with a monetary gift to assist in their college funding. The GoodFellas are looking for college-bound senior students who have demonstrated outstanding academic standing, leadership, and community service. We are targeting our Alma Maters (Hyde Park, King College Prep, Bronzeville Institute, Simeon, and Phillips) to reward these students.

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Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be a full-time graduating high school senior (class of 2024) in good standing
  • Must be accepted to an accredited college or university
  • Must have a minimum unweighted GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale or equivalent

Must Attend One of the Schools Listed Below:

  • Network 17 – BRONZEVILLE HS
  • Network 17 – HYDE PARK HS
  • Network 17 – KING H
  • Network 17 – PHILLIPS HS
  • Network 17 – SIMEON HS

Required Documents:

  1. Official CPS transcript of scholastic record for all semesters or quarters through and including 7th semester
  2. Two (2) Letters of Recommendation (non-family members). Minimum of 1 Letter of Recommendation must be from school staff
  3. Copy of College/University acceptance letter
  4. Provide your 2024 Student Aid Idext (SAI) for proper federal tax documentation of the award.
  5. Write an essay on the following topics (Students should answer all of the essay questions
    and their responses should be at least 500 words or
    a) Describe an experience while you have been in High School in which you took a leadership role and explain what you learned about yourself.
    b) Describe how your future academic and career goals will impact your community.
    c) What has this Global Pandemic taught you that will have a lasting impact on your life?

Awarding Note: The organization will select the best four (4) applicants from the combined application pool from all 5 High Schools.

Renewable: No
Open to DREAMers: Yes
Questions? Please feel free to contact us via email at and indicate Chi-Town GoodFellas Scholarship in the subject line.

Supplemental Questions
  1. I confirm that I attend King College Prep, Phillips, Simeon, Hyde Park, or Bronzeville Scholastic
  2. Official Transcript Required for this application
  3. Please upload a copy of a college letter of acceptance for the college you plan to attend
  4. An informational letter or statement describing: “Why you want to go to college and why you should be a recipient of the Howard M. Ruskin Scholarship”
  5. Please submit the name and email of a TEACHER OR COUNSELOR WHO YOU HAVE IDENTIFIED to complete a letter of reference on your behalf.
  6. Provide a recommendation from a community leader, faith leader or other non-academic (not a family member)
  7. Please upload a copy of your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) ( If you have issues please email your documents to
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