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I certify that the information in the application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. To assist in the determination of financial aid, I hereby authorize the release to the scholarship committee of all information in this application, and the information submitted to the college scholarship service if required.
REQUIRED for U.S. Citizens: What is your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Number? It is located on your FAFSA Student Aid Report (SAR)
Please enter a whole number, no decimals or other symbols. If you have not completed the FAFSA, indicate that you don't know what your EFC is.
In order of preference, list all colleges or universities to which you have applied or intend to apply for admission. State whether your application has been accepted, rejected, or is pending.
Describe Extracurricular Activities in school and/or Outside of School: offices, clubs, athletics, etc.? (Indicate years of participation and highest level or offices achieved).
If you answered this question in your General Application , COPY AND PASTE your responses from your General Application into this questions response OR provide more depth. This question MUST be answered.
Do you attend Lane Tech High school?
Official Transcript Required
Provide the name of the college have you been admitted to and plan to attend in the fall of 2017?
Did you apply to the Escape to the Mecca Tour (E2M) last school year (2018-2019)?
Did you attend the Escape to the Mecca Tour (E2M) last school year (2018-2019)?
You are required to list your work history (if applicable) as well as involvement in extra-curricular activities; community service, and awards and honors received.
What is your intended college major?
Enter "Undecided" if you are not sure what you would like to major in.
Have you applied for admission to Northeastern Illinois University?
Please enter a number. You can use a decimal, but exclude any other symbols. The Unweighted GPA does not include Advanced Placement, Honors and/or IB courses that provide greater points than Regular courses.
Number of service learning projects completed (your counselor/service learning coordinator/teacher must be able to verify this information)
Please enter a whole number, no decimals or other symbols. The Chicago Public Schools requirement is 2 classroom-based service learning projects by senior year. "Click here":,their%20years%20in%20high%20school.&text=One%20classroom%2Dintegrated%20service%2Dlearning,projects%20%2B%2015%20individual%20service%20hours to visit the CPS Service Learning Page for more information.
Are you eligible to receive free or reduced-cost school lunch?
I confirm that my school attendance rate is 90% or higher. Your nominator must confirm this information.
Please list your city, state, and country of birth.
Other Scholarships/Grants – Please provide scholarship name and scholarship award amount
If you have applied to college, please list the schools you have applied to and if you have been accepted and are receiving school-based scholarships.
Name of the college/university to which you have been accepted and will attend
Certification: I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, all information in my application is correct. I also certify that I meet all scholarship requirments. If futher understand that I may be disqualified if I provide inaccurate data. If I am awarded a scholarship from the DDLR Schoalrship Fund, I am aware that it is my responsibility to attend the DDLR Scholarship Fund Banquet in September. I am also aware that this scholarship award will only be applied to a 4-year institution. If this is not met, the award will be rescinded.
What is your planned major in college?
Are you able to attend an awards banquet the last weekend in July, 2017?
Are you starting your first year to pursue your bachelor's degree at an accredited college/university in the Fall, 2017?
Please provide the name and location of the institution you plan to attend.
Please list your Howard University (HU) ID Number:
Do you receive free or reduced lunch?
Please list your graduation date:
Place of birth
Class rank
Please enter a whole number, no decimals or other symbols.
Number of students in class
Please enter a whole number, no decimals or other symbols.
In which high school course(s) are you most interested and explain why?
In which high school course(s) are you most interested. Thoroughly explain why.
List the top 3 colleges, in order of preference, to which you have applied or intend to apply for admission, and indicate whether your application has been accepted, rejected or is pending:
If you answered this question in your General Application , COPY AND PASTE your responses from your General Application into this questions response. This question MUST be answered.
What will be your probable college major, and why have you selected that major?
List any scholastic honors or prizes received or special academic achievements since freshman year.
If you answered this question in your General Application , COPY AND PASTE your responses from your General Application into this questions response. This question MUST be answered.
Discuss any significant interest or hobbies that you have developed over the past several years.
If you answered this question in your General Application , COPY AND PASTE your responses from your General Application into this questions response. This question MUST be answered.
Provide information concerning any jobs you have held during the summers or the school year.
If you answered this question in your General Application , COPY AND PASTE your responses from your General Application into this questions response. This question MUST be answered.
Describe any community service activities you have been involved in.
If you answered this question in your General Application , COPY AND PASTE your responses from your General Application into this questions response OR provide more depth to your answer here. This question MUST be answered.
Date of Birth
How did you hear about the Escape to the Mecca Tour?
CERTIFICATION: I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, all information in my application is correct. I also certify that I meet all eligibility requirements. I further understand that I may be disqualified if I provide inaccurate data. If I am offered participation in first round interviews, I am aware that it is my responsibility to attend the mandatory first interview session scheduled Wednesday, February 26, 2020. If this is not met, I understand my participation offer may be rescinded. I understand the trip is contingent on full 42-seat booking, and could be cancelled at notice. I also understand that participation in this trip requires a $350 monetary commitment. Finally, my parent is aware that I am applying to participate in this overnight tour.
Please enter a date
formatted like MM/DD/YYYY.
Parent/Guardian First & Last Name
Please provide the BEST email for you.
Ensure this is a email account you check frequently.
Class rank
Indicate your rank out of the number of students in your class
Provide a brief statement on your future plans
How do you plan to finance your college education?
I understand that US Citizens and permanent residents are not eligible to apply for the CPS Dream Fund Scholarship.
If you are a US Citizen or permanent resident, you may have been matched to this scholarship due to your GPA and/or ACT. However, US Citizens and permanent residents are not eligible for this scholarship.
Are you currently enrolled in a CTE hospitality management course? *Students currently enrolled in a CTE hospitality management course have preferred status.
Do you attend Williams Medical Prep HS?
Did you submit parent information on your General Application?
Certification: I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, all information in my application is correct. I also certify that I meet all scholarship requirements. I further understand that I may be disqualified if I provide inaccurate data. I am aware that ALL STUDENTS THAT HAVE SUBMITTED A COMPLETED APPLICATION BY THE DEADLINE WILL BE INVITED TO ATTEND THE SUZY DENVIR LUNCHEON IN WHICH THE WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED. I am also aware that this scholarship award will only be applied to a 4-year institution. Finally, I am aware that I MUST sign the physical "Suzy Denvir Student and Parent Contract" provided by my school counselor to complete my application submission. If this is not met, the award will be rescinded.
I confirm that my school attendance rate is 90% or higher.
Please ensure you answer this question with honesty, your attendance rate will be reviewed with your application. All submitted applications will be reviewed, however students with a 90% attendance rate or better will receive precedence in the candidate pool.
Certification: I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, all information in my application is correct. I also certify that I meet all scholarship requirements. If further understand that I may be disqualified if I provide inaccurate data. I am aware that this scholarship award will only be applied to a full time cosmetology program for tuition and books only.
You MUST select "Yes" or "No" to this question. If you select "No" your application WILL NOT be reviewed.
I plan to enroll in a FULL TIME cosmetology program in the Fall of 2016
I have listed my COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES on my General Application that can be reviewed for this scholarship opportunity.
Please provide the name and phone number of your school principal.
Ensure you list the NAME (First & Last) and PHONE NUMBER of your current school Principal.
Official Transcript Required for this application
Professional or School Affiliations: List any school, professional or community activities you have participated in. Include offices held and awards received in your GENERAL APPLICATION.
Employment History: Please list any paid work experience you have had including full-time, part-time, co-op and summer employment. Briefly describe duties and responsibilities within your GENERAL APPLICATION.
Please confirm you attend Chicago Military Academy - Bronzeville HS
This scholarship is for Chicago Military Academy - Bronzeville HS senior students ONLY. IF you select "NO" to this question you should not complete this application.
VIDEO SUBMISSION CONFIRMATION: I have completed, Part 1 of my application which includes a 2-minute video clip displaying my musical talent, either vocal or instrumental. The completed video and/or video link has been EMAILED to:
Do you attend Lake View High School?
Have you completed service learning hours, service learning projects or civic engagement activities to satisfy the CPS graduation requirement?
Have you been accepted into an undergraduate degree program at the University of Illinois, either the Chicago (UIC) or Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) campus?
Students will receive correspondence through the Academic Works tool on scholarship deadlines. The CPS Scholarship Manager sends additional reminders and scholarship alerts via the account. Please select YES to this question to opt-in to receiving scholarship and scholarship related emails from the CPS Scholarship Manager.
Students are highly encouraged to opt-in to receiving the additional alerts directly from the CPS Scholarship Manager. Scholarship and post secondary activity alerts will be extremely helpful to students as they move through the school year. If there are any questions about the alerts or information shared, please email CPS Scholarship Manager directly at