Phi Beta Kappa Association of the Chicago Area (PBKACA)

Organization & Scholarship Description:
The Phi Beta Kappa Association of the Chicago Area (PBKACA) will offer a one-year $5,000 scholarship ($2,500 per semester) to an outstanding 2024 graduate from the Chicago Public Schools for continuation of his/her education in college. The scholarship will have both merit-based and need-based criteria, recognizing superior academic talent, personal character, and financial need. The goal is to enable the recipient to benefit from higher education while pursuing academic excellence in keeping with the ideals of Phi Beta Kappa. In making these awards, the Association will not discriminate based on race, creed, national origin, or other non-academic factors. Awarding of these scholarships will be based solely upon academic qualifications, financial need, and capacity for contribution to society.

Website: Phi Beta Kappa Association of the Chicago Area Scholarship
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Do you attend a CPS Charter High School? Click Here to Access the Charter Student Application & Instructions

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Students applying to this scholarship MUST have a nomination by the school Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor or College and Career Coach. ONLY ONE nomination per school will be considered for review.

Please Note: Ensure you follow up with the counselors/teacher who you requested in your General Application and/or Supplemental Questions to submit a recommendation and/or transcript on your behalf.

Scholarship Qualifications:

  • Chicago resident
  • Chicago Public Schools senior (class of 2024)
  • Cummulative GPA 3.0
  • Composite ACT Score of 27 or higher (SAT equivalent:1280+)
  • Must be nominated/recommended by the school Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor or College and Career Coach (ONLY ONE NOMINATION/APPLICANT PER SCHOOL)
  • Must submit a teacher recommendation in addition to the nomination.

Open to DREAMers: Yes
Renewable: Yes, if funds are available and the student has earned excellent/superior grades as verified by official transcript, and on a case-by-case basis, the scholarship may be renewed for one year.
For questions regarding application completion contact: CPS Scholarship Manager via email at

Supplemental Questions
  1. This scholarship requires a nomination and ONE student per school will be selected to apply for this scholarship. Please confirm you have spoken to/met with your nominator to confirm your selection to apply for this scholarhsip.
  2. I understand that the Phi Beta Kappa Association of Chicago Scholarship will only review ONE scholarship application per CPS school. If there is more than one submission from my school, PBKACA the right to select the most academically sound student profile to review.
  3. Please provide a nomination from your Principal, Assistant Principal or counselor that provides information on your abilities, interests and likelihood of success in college.
    • Name and Email Address
  4. Please provide a recommendation from a teacher with direct knowledge of your academic work, including the teacher's name and email address.
    • Name and Email Address
  5. Official Transcript Required
  6. This scholarship requires a composite SAT test score of 1280 or higher (equates to a ACT Score of 27 or higher.) Please confirm your SAT test score meets the requirement.
  7. The scholarship requires a composite ACT score of 27 or higher or composite SAT score of 1280 or higher. Please confirm your ACT or SAT score meets the requirement.
  8. Please upload a copy of your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) ( If you have issues please email your documents to
  9. Do you plan to attend a four-year institution with a liberal arts program?
  10. Please list 3 colleges you have applied to in rank order, indicating your top choice. Please indicate the dates you applied and whether you have been accepted.
    • Name of College
    • Name of College
    • Name of College
  11. Please give a written description of plans for college and a listing of the schools to which admission applications will be submitted
  12. Please list the name of your siblings (List name, age, and employment)
  13. Essay: (no more than 500 words each and please answer each question within your essay) A. Where will you be when you are 40 years old? What type of job will you have, how much education will you have completed, and what are the main lifetime accomplishments you have achieved by this time? B. Discuss what college major you are considering and why.
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